Born in Lucania, she pursued her musical studies at the "G. Martucci" Conservatory in Salerno under the guidance of E. Scatarzi. Her repertoire spans different vocal genres, with a particular interest in the role of the singer/actress interpreter. She is actively involved in the realms of the 20th century and Contemporary music, both acoustic and electroacoustic. Further refining her skills under the guidance of A. Caiello, she attended the "Specialization Course in Lyrical Singing for Contemporary Opera" at the Verona Opera Academy, the Advanced Courses at the Royaumont Foundation (M° J. Fraser), the John Cage Organ Foundation (M° Sarah Maria Sun), and the Darmstädter Ferienkurse (M° D. M.-Dansac), where she performed as a vocal interpreter in the official IMD2016 concert. She regularly participates in courses, masterclasses, and seminars aimed at studying and deepening the contemporary musical language. She collaborates with emerging composers, specialized ensembles, the CRM of Rome, the Department of "New Technologies and Musical Languages" at the Conservatory of Salerno (M° S. Lanzalone), and engages in regular concert activities. A finalist in the "Bucchi Interpretation Prize – Parco della Musica 2015," she is the vocal interpreter of "ScarlattiLab/Electronics" (Art direction: G. Turaccio and A. Di Scipio). She has performed in numerous concert halls, including the "Sala Camino" (Venice Biennale 2017), the "Auditorium San Fedele" in Milan, the "Auditorium – Parco della Musica" in Rome, the "Abrons Art Center" in New York, as well as at international festivals and composition competitions (NYCEMF, Emufest, G.A.M.O, Rondò, Signal, etc.). She was honored with the "MA/IN-Spaziomusica commission 2017" for voice and electronic/multimedia, with the premiere performance of the pieces during the first day of the "36th SpazioMusica Festival" in Cagliari and a second performance during the "MA/IN Festival." Her repertoire includes works by the most important classical authors of the 20th century, such as "Laborintus II" (L. Berio), "Sequenza III" (L. Berio), "Aria" (J. Cage), "Aventures" (G. Ligeti), "Joózsef-Attila Toöredeókek Op. 20" (G. Kurtaóg), among others, in addition to numerous world premieres. She has recorded for Stradivarius, Ed. Scientifica, and Cesmel.