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10 October 2024 @ 20:30 - 23:00


© Simone Sims Longo (Paesaggi Integrati)

🎟biglietti disponibili solo in loco
▷ exhibition opening / installations
h 20.30
Daphne Ting-Yu Chu [TW] + Teng Xue [CN] /// Parallel
interactive installation
⦿ CREA K//LAB [IT] /// Chamber of Visions
VR installation

▷ concert
h 21.00
Diego Ratto [IT] /// Memoria [honorable mention]
Fernando Hester [IT] /// Zooming [honorable mention]
Bowen Wu [UK] /// Mixobloodify [honorable mention]

h 21.30
⦿ Simone Sims Longo [IT] /// Paesaggi Integrati
live performance


/// CHAMBER OF VISIONS [installazione VR] Anima et Corpo: Oratorio Espanso
The Anatomical Head impresses with its metaphorical power, whose extraordinary vision takes us beyond physical appearance, opening doors to a deeper understanding of the human being and their relationships. We have explored concepts such as simultaneity, plurality, harmony, diversity, uniqueness, and cohesion. Balbi strips down the bodies to outline a figure that eludes recognizability, uniting singularities into a whole that celebrates the coexistence of differences. Through technology, we have woven a complex world that embraces “multiple vision,” expressing the language of connection and compassion. The installation reveals a weave of mutual understanding, where art urges us to be agents of change and differences blend together. Words become corporeal, sound fluid movement, and the image a profound call. Fragments of the work explode into a new luminous space populated by intermittent stimuli that unveil intricate relationships. We invite contemplation, expanding the horizon of possibilities, dissolving barriers between art forms, and fostering a profound connection with the work and ourselves.
CREA K//LAB is the laboratory for intermedial processes at the Licinio Refice Conservatory of Music in Frosinone, coordinated by Valerio Murat, Professor of Multimedia at the same institution. The letter K stands for Keiron, son of Kronos, a centaur—a hybrid creature symbolizing increased intelligence and representing multiplicity in arts and sciences. The CREA K//LAB serves as a space for experimentation and collaboration among artists and researchers, promoting innovative projects that connect various artistic disciplines. By exploring intersections between music, technology, and visual arts, the CREA K//LAB plays a fundamental role in expanding the boundaries of traditional artistic practices. To this end, it utilizes immersive audiovisual devices such as virtual reality and 3D audio, emphasizing forms of audiovisual composition in an artistic exploration that remains largely uncharted today. The laboratory explores new techniques, languages, and forms of expression, highlighting art's power to challenge the world and foster new perspectives on civil coexistence. [Valerio Murat: Direzione artistica / Federico Acosta Rios, Eugenio Cecchini, Elia Dell’Orco, Fabio Fornaro, Gabriele Teti: Progettazione e realizzazione / Giovanni Fontana: Testi poetici e voce / Axel Ferrari: Modellazione 3D della Testa Anatomica / Stefano Germani: Technical Manager] * supported by: Labora Studio, Associazione Gottifredo

/// MEMORIA [acusmatica] A tempestuous journey through time, into the profound recesses of memory. Hidden and distant realms of moments and snapshot recollections, a personal odyssey guided by the echoes of childhood sounds.
Diego Ratto, an Italian composer and sound artist based in Los Angeles, CA, has a diverse portfolio that includes film music, acousmatic compositions, music for video games, video-art installations, and concert music. He holds a PhD in Music Composition from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). His education includes film scoring at UCLA, a Master of Music in Electroacoustic Composition from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH), and separate Bachelor of Music degrees in jazz guitar and electronic music from the Music Conservatory "A. Vivaldi" in Alessandria, Italy. His works have been recognized in numerous international competitions, winning awards such as the Prix Russolo 2022, Sound of Silences - Romaeuropa Festival 2020, Prix CIME 2017, and WOCMAT International Phil Winsor Computer Music Competition 2018, among others. In 2021, he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study Music Composition in the United States of America.

/// ZOOMING [acusmatica] The piece offers the listener a dynamic perceptual experience, marked by fluid or sudden transitions that distinguish the various sections, each defined by its own unique soundscape. The stylistic choices in the composition aim to guide the listener on a journey alternating between sensations of alienation and familiarity, using both synthetic and real sounds. Drawing on techniques developed and experimented with by composers such as Iannis Xenakis, Curtis Roads, and Horacio Vaggione, the piece employs various sonic and compositional methodologies, including multiscale approach, granulation, vocoding, and concatenative synthesis. The genesis of the composition lies in the idea of creating complex sound aggregates activated by random impulses.
Fernando Hester is a composer and sound designer based in Bologna, Italy. He was born in 1990 and grew up in Arezzo, where he went to Art school. He first approached music trough the study of saxophone and then moved on to DJing, which he did for nearly a decade. After years of experimenting with electronic music outside the academic world, he enrolled into the Electronic Music program of the Conservatory of Bologna, where he is currently studying Sound Design. His research focuses on computer music and audio-visual composition.

/// MIXOBLOODIFY [audiovisivo] The genesis of the original idea for this work came from an extension of my research on how pipa and electronic music can be hybridized into a new digital language. Because of my research I was exposed to a lot of concepts about hybridity。 As an artist who wants to integrate different cultural backgrounds into his creations, and who is challenged by identity exploration, cultural conflicts, self-acceptance, social recognition, etc. Mixobloodify's intention is to amplify this process of creating Hybrid works, and to use abstract digital language to express the emotions brought about by real-life social issues. In this audiovisual creation, I recorded my own pipa performance as sound source material. I processed it using the Max/MSP platform and interacted with the visuals I crafted in TouchDesigner.
Bowen Wu is a composer and audiovisual artist based in Glasgow, Scotland. With a background in film music composition and now passionate about electronic music live performance,soundscape composition, experimental music and audiovisual composition. His solo works have been exhibited in China, UK, Italy, Spain, Greece, South Korea, and elsewhere. Previously, he has served as a keyboardist, music producer, and music director for bands, performing at various music festivals and tours in China and internationally. Additionally, he holds a Master's degree in Composition for screen from the University of Edinburgh. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD. at the University of Glasgow under the supervision of Prof. Nick Fells and Prof. Louise Harris.

/// PAESAGGI INTEGRATI [live performance] lies somewhere between computer music, electroacoustic, and techno. It is an act that weaves relationships between different planes and sound materials: acoustic instruments, processed sound, digital synthesis, and atmospheric soundscapes. Operating on the peripheries of genre classification, "Paesaggi Integrati" integrates field recordings as a tool to build organic sound scenarios, which are juxtaposed with rhythm and synthesis. In the live performance, sound is intertwined with light sources, creating a visual environment that interacts with the audio, forming light geometries in the space.
Simone Sims Longo is a sonic and new media artist whose work spans composition for electronic fixed music, sound design, and sound installations. As a composer, he is deeply interested in the creation and manipulation of sound in the digital domain, with a focus on timbre manipulation. He continually seeks a balance between sound synthesis and sampled sound. His compositions often involve the multi-iteration of samples, exploring phase shifts and the complexities of polyrhythmic variations within sound textures. Through multi-channel speaker diffusion, Longo explores spatiality and leverages the interaction of sound with architectural elements. He is particularly fascinated by natural reverberation and the sound diffusion qualities of different materials. His live performances emphasize the relationship between sound and visual elements or sound and light, offering immersive explorations of audio-visual perception.


10 October 2024
20:30 - 23:00
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