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MA/IN23: The minimal self / Ishtar’s Star

KORA - Contemporary Arts Center Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19, CASTRIGNANO DE' GRECI (LE), Italia

20:00 opening
Roberto Alonso Trillo + Marek Poliks /// Hydra #2
21:00 Manfredi Clemente /// Hajime yori kotoba shirazariki
21:15 Giorgio Distante + Giulia Maria Falzea /// The minimal self
22:00 Christian Campobasso /// Ishtar’s Star

€ 3

MA/IN23: Trio ACRE / Origami alpha

KORA - Contemporary Arts Center Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19, CASTRIGNANO DE' GRECI (LE), Italia

20:00 opening
Roberto Alonso Trillo + Marek Poliks /// Hydra #2
21:00 Nikos Stavropoulos /// Khemenu
21:15 Trio Acre
22:00 Francesco Rizzo

€ 3


KORA - Contemporary Arts Center Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19, CASTRIGNANO DE' GRECI (LE), Italia

h 20.30 exhibition opening
h 21.00 fixed media concert
h 21.30 Simone Sims Longo /// Paesaggi Integrati



KORA - Contemporary Arts Center Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19, CASTRIGNANO DE' GRECI (LE), Italia

h 20.30 exhibition opening
h 21.00 Dotzerosix /// Boatnoa
h 22.00 Monocolor /// Refractive Index
