CALL EXPIRED [deadline: May 10th, 2023]
Call for Works 2023
LOXOS ~ promotes the SEVENTH edition of the MA/IN festival - 2023. The call is focused on acousmatic and instrumental music with elelctronics/multimedia (live or fixed). The call is also open to audiovisual works, intermedia performances and sound/media installations.
This year a collaboration with the CRM (Centro di Ricerche Musicali) of Rome will plan a special scheduling of the ACOUSMATIC and AUDIOVISUAL selected works, during the "Artescienza 2023" festival: July 2023, Goethe- Institut, Rome.
[A] Acousmatic ~ fixed media music. Multi-channel compositions are accepted.
[B] Mixed Media ~ for instruments and electronics/ multimedia (fixed or live).
[C] AudioVisual ~ works with pre-prepared video and music.
[D] LivePerformance/SoundArt ~ works that include electronics and other elements. Sound/Media Installations are allowed .
The organization will make available a “TRAVEL GRANT” fund of 3000€ (in total) to support awarded artists’ travels.
Thanks to our special Partners, The MA/IN will assign:
- 4 Max/MSP full licenses – granted by Cycling ’74
- 1 GRM tools – Spectral Transform
- 1 GRM tools – Classic
- 1 GRM tools – Evolution
- 1 GRM tools – Spaces
- 1 Touch Designer full license – granted by Derivative
- 2 Live 11 Suite – granted by Ableton