
FIXED ROOM – Series of Acousmatic Music in an Immersive Environment – 2024 Edition – III

The newest and most current acousmatic research: sound on support continues to exist worldwide and proliferates in many linguistic streams, practiced by both emerging and established composers, capable of reflecting on the meaning and new directions of listening. The goal is to compare Italian experiences with the international scene, in light of the collaboration with the MA/IN festival in Matera, and then "bend" acousmatic thinking to the spatialized reinterpretation of Kid A by Radiohead, a groundbreaking and seminal album by the British band, nearly 25 years after its release; all in an immersive acoustic environment, for a limited number of listeners, specifically set up in the studios of Villa Strozzi.



Friday, December 27, 2024, 6:30 PM, Villa Strozzi – Via Pisana 77 (FI)
Regia del suono: Francesco Vogli

Radiohead, Kid A (2000)
Full performance of the work on support with projection in the space

Saturday, December 28, 2024, 6:30 PM, Villa Strozzi – Via Pisana 77 (FI)
Regia del suono: Damiano Meacci

Alexis Blais (CA), Animal Farm (2022)
Fernando Hester (IT), Zooming (2024)
Bruno Belardi (IT), Scoop out (2024)
Damian Gorandi (AR), …is coming (2024)